Steel Beam Installations Sheffield

Do You Need Steel Beam Installations In Sheffield

steel beam installations SheffieldIf you are in need of a quality builder who is an expert at structural work to carry out your steel beam installations in Sheffield then make sure to read this article . After you have read this article you will become a well educated client so you will understand all relevant information you must know before getting a builder to carry out your steel beam installation . 

In this article you will learn , what a steel beam installation is , how we carry out steel beam installations , the dangers of steel beam installations and finally why we are the best builder for you !

What A Steel Beam Installation Is 

A steel beam installation is when a steel beam , it could be large or small , is installed to bear the load above it . For example a steel beam is needed for a wall knock through to bear the loads above the wall being knocked down so the property is structurally safe and secure . 

Smaller steel beams such as lintels are needed above openings like doors / windows so that the doors / windows do not get damaged . 

Other reasons why lintels are needed are because if they’re is not a lintel installed beneath the brickwork that is above a window/ door then structural wall cracks develop which can worsen over time . 

Larger steel beams that get installed called rolled steel joists or (RSJ’s) abbreviated are needed to structurally support large portions of the building . 

So if a wall knock through is carried out a rolled steel joist must be installed because if the steel beam isn’t installed then the property would be in great structural risk and could create major problems for the property .  

How We Carry Out Steel Beam Installations 

Once we have set up the site so that the there is no unnecessary debris or dirt within the property at any time we would then move onto the structural support phase of the job . 

The structural support phase of the job would depend on what job we are carrying out . For example if we are carrying out a lintel repair we would structurally support the loads above the lintel . Alternatively however if we are carrying out a wall knock through we would then have to structurally support the loads above the wall . 

After we have finished the structural support phase of the job by installing temporarily structural supports and propping these supports up with temporarily structural propping devices we would then go onto the demolition phase .

Now of course if the job that is being completed is a lintel repair , we wouldn’t demolish the lintel we would instead remove the lintel . But if the job being done is a wall knock through then the wall would have to be demolished for us to achieve this . 

Once we have finished this phase and have cleaned up and debris then we would begin the permanent structural support phase of the job . 

The permanent structural phase of the job would entail installing the steel beam whether small or large and then we could safely remove the temporarily structural supports and propping devices .

Once we have done all this and have cleaned any remaining debris we would then be done with the job and we could safely leave the job . 

The Dangers Of Steel Beam Installations 

Now this process above may seem very straight forward and direct but we promise you that it isn’t , and you would be surprised how many builders mess up this process  and create problems for the property . 

This is why it is essential you get a structural specialist to carry out the work because that way you can be totally confident and comfortable that everything will be done properly and no problems will arise .

Dangers such as structural wall cracks , bowing and even structural collapse can occur if an incorrect contractor carry’s out the work  . So get it right first time and call us today at 0114 345 0118 .

Why We Are The Best Builder For You !

The reason why we are the best builder for you is because we are complete structural specialists who over the years have become total structural experts . 

If you click here this will take you to the Federation of Master Builders website where you will see that we are master builders who are structural experts and have over 50 five star rated customer testimonials . 

So make sure to call us today at 0114 345 0118  . As well as this click here and this will take you to our website where you will see other structural services we provide . 

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